Monday, March 24, 2003

So my friend Joel sent me this link to a flash movie illustrating one potential outcome of the War with Iraq. Given the instability of the region this is not an implausible prediction; it made me laugh at times, even if I was on the edge of my seat for most of it. WATCH IT NOW!!!

The kids are home on Spring Break now, for the next week. I have the next three days off work to enjoy them, and am trying to plan some fruitful events. I do believe that Duncan has created a monster (albeit a cute one) in Raven ~ she (oh girl who is 7), spent most of her day "studying" the DOA Xtreme Beach Volley manual (to discover what to buy the other characters) AND learning how to kick butt in DOA3! The X-Box controller is almost as big as her head, yet she doesn't skip a beat! Wesley desperatly wants Sapphire Pokemon (if anything could be willed into existance it would be this item... I will let you know if he succeeds), and as a method of manipulation he consistently declares he is bored. He is bored? Perhaps I should find an all year round school option for him!

Regardless, I need to get going. I have a President's forum to attend tonight - I am President of Varsity Community (Calgary) Block Watch Council, it's one of my volunteer positions. Regardless, I need to go and prepare, and Duncan is going to sit us all down to watch a movie (Back to the Future I believe - we rented all three for Spring Vacation). I may tell you a bit more about my Block Watch in a subsequent blog!

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