Sunday, August 03, 2003

Guess Who Has A Digital Camera?????????

Yay Digital! Our lovely friend Quynn lent us one of his Digital Cameras... so we have been busy bees taking pictures while learning how to operate our new toy, which has proven very fun. Soon I will consider the potentials of a photoblog of my very own...

Well, the coffee ritual began today, with Quynn joining us at Weeds for coffee. We attempted a bike ride this afternoon but part way into our ride we noted a problem with Duncan's back tire, which we ended up taking it to the shop to get it fixed - so no more bike rides until Tuesday... we came home to get roller blades, but ended up sidetracked and went to the mall instead. Duncan is very excited to try an new expansion that he got, so I need to vacate the computer for him to play. I hope everyone is having a good long weekend!

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