Friday, April 04, 2003

A Swedish Lunch Box Full of Liberty Cabbage

Some of you may have seen this before, but it is always worth presenting once again…..

An English professor wrote the words, "Woman without her man is nothing," on the blackboard and directed his students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."

The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."

I was gifted with breakfast in bed this morning!!!!!! Duncan made me eggs and bacon and toast and coffee! What a sweetheart he is! It’s the second best thing to wake up to (but I got that this morning as well)! It was a great start to the day, and the weekend too!

Raven was a little sick this morning so her and I spent an excruciating amount of time in the waiting room at the local medi clinic. We softened the harshness of that (who on earth in their right mind would want to be in a room full of coughing sick people when SARS is floating around???) by spending a good hour shopping in the local mall. We bought Raven some clothes, some hair stuff, had a quick juice/coffee stop and hung out. It was fun, and it worked… we arrived just in time to see the doctor, get a prescription and engage in the worlds fastest taxi ride ever (we were left with 8 minutes to get Raven to school and myself to work. I made it with 28.3 seconds to spare…..)

Well I admit that the past couple of days I have inflicted ignorance upon myself and tried to keep my head in the sand (so to speak) and the news on the very peripheral edge of my awareness. Today I have given up on the Ostrich Syndrome to take a peek at what’s going on in the world around me. I remain, cynical.

My first foray into the media frenzy began today with the Student Newspaper, the Gauntlet. Funny, nothing really interesting seems to be happening here on Campus except a bunch a "pro war" activists. We already know how I feel about that, so we won’t go there….. (If you don’t know what I am referring to, read my rant here )

And Saddam Hussein made a public appearance, among crowds of happy-to-see-him Iraqi's, he inspected damage and hugged babies. I guess the US needs better aim...... all that fire power and no apparent talent...... what a pity.

In other news.... US military planners are devising a strategy to seize control of Baghdad..... wait that's news? Hmmm. What else were they thinking of doing in Baghdad? Stop in for BBQ?

Anyways, my weekend is about to start - I just got home from work and shopping (I bought all the supplies two people might need to spend an entire weekend inside snuggled up - including new PJ's!!!) and I am going to bathe, put on my new sexy PJ's, pull the mattress downstairs into the living room and turn on the TV. On the agenda for the weekend is watching Duncan finish Zelda, and watching any number of the new movies he bought me! Yay weekend. Relax, yes... Anxiety, no!

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