Monday, April 28, 2003

Killing various birds with one stone.......

Things that made me happy today.....

* This morning I was fondled awake by the worlds best boyfriend, who then got up (on his day off) to make me coffee! What a delightful start to the morning...

* I had a meeting with a Doctor this morning who praised my son and told me how wonderful, smart and mature he was (which ofcourse I already knew, but one can never be too sure it isn't just Mother Bias...)

* Work has been slow, which means I can play more ~ I have caught up reading all of my blogs and regular webstops.

* Music has permeated my afternoon... my friend/colleague Debbie has her radio on an 80's station and each song has brought back some memory for me, causing me to smile as I skip my way down Memory Lane!

* Duncan is cooking dinner (lasagna), which should be ready for when I get home from work!!!!

* I am in love and loved in return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things that make you go hmmmmmm......

* It's an unhappy birthday for Saddam Hussein today, where ever he might (or might not) be....

* Whilst I am known to be very fond of honesty, there are some things better left unsaid. Some times, much better......

* One of the blogs I visit has a great story of a close encounter that made me laugh.... and then embarked me into an adventure I wasn't sure I needed....

* It appears that General Tommy Franks has been targeted by Iraqi's in a different arena.... although I doubt anything will come of it.

* Conspiracy or cover up???? Something fishy about this feline story....

* Oh yeah... and for the helplessly paranoid... will the world end on May 15th 2003? It seems to me the world is always ending.....

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