Thursday, January 15, 2004

generation debt...

Among other things happening in our lives this new year, something that has occupied our time considerably has been the issue of Tuition Hikes. Duncan has been working hard to help his organization formulate an argument against repeated tuition hikes. Every year the University puts tuition up yet again (since 1993 tuition in Alberta has tripled - next years students will have to pay over 5000.00 in tuition/fees). And it just seems to go on and on. Tomorrow morning is the decision at the U of A.

After work today, I put on my journalist's hat, and went on over to the Rally to report on the events taking place. I interviewed Raj Pannu, 1 raging granny, 2 students and the SU President, Mat Brechtel. While they all gave me great materials for my article, my all time favourite quote today came from the Students' Union Executive Comunications Officer:

"Help me go and get the Post Cards, and I will get you time with the President. There's a world where that would mean something, you know... Hey, what are you writing down?" - Duncan Wojtaszek

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