Saturday, September 13, 2003

Holy evil reptilian kitten eaters from another planet, Batman!

Bits and pieces of my thoughts grace my Blogosphere this morning, and I have been meaning to share them... I found these in, around and about:

With blogging being so prominent in my own web experience, I sometimes forget that there really are people out there who don't quite understand the phenomenon - like for example, I left a comment once on someone's blog about his subject matter (I wanted to know his thoughts on something in reflection to the experience he writes about) and somebody after me commented on "the nerve of some people who read a free blog and think they can make demands". I, of course (after rolling my eyes), refrained from retorting with an "all blogs are free, Moron" response and just chucked it up to blog naiveté. But I found a gem, a gem I tell you, on Matrix Essays the other day. I am going to share it with you, because I know you will all be able to relate to it, in some form or another!

From the mailbag (of Matrix Essays)

Q. How much money do you make from this blog? Is it easy to make a living from blogging?

A. Well, let's see, let me get out of my Matrix Essays hot tub on the deck of my Matrix Essays yacht and walk down to the accounting department so they can get me that figure. Oh, here it is: so far I have not made any money at all from this site.

So, a morning smile for all of us hard working, underpaid, stimulators of blogosphere wisdom, keepers of world history and personal philosophical commentarists. We rock, but we're obviously not in it for the money!

Today, I am off bike riding with my best friend! We are going to go explore the river valley here, so expect photo's. My entire life is lived as an adventure... I must be really in touch with my inner child! (See proof below)

My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my bestfriend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

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