Saturday, November 05, 2005

Wireless in Red Deer

So here I am, the morning after a long evening of hospitality suites, sitting in the hotel resturant eating my eggs and drinking, about as much coffee and water as I can manage. I spoke to so many people last night my whole personal space around me feels like it is still buzzing with them all.

This is the best Policy Conference ever. But perhaps that's because it's not just all about Policy... This really is an exciting time to be an Albertan and a party member; there is so much potential ahead of us!


Anonymous said...

Imagine the power of tens of thousands of other web sites being able to easily

Allie Wojtaszek said...


Imagine the power of tens of thousands of other websites that actually communicate in a coherent and literate way...

daveberta said...

one could only imagine... :-)