And we all fall down: Bush and Sharon seem to be hard at work making sure all biblical prophecies regarding armageddon in the Holy Lands occur right on schedule. I am not sure exactly what these two men are thinking will result from american endorsement of all of Sharon's demands, but I can pretty much gaureentee it isn't Middle East Peace. There really is only one way for arab/muslim states to respond to this, and I doubt it is going to be pretty... In unrelated news, Times Magazine labels Bush a "radical gambler" taking liberties "with humanities fate." Now, what would make them think that?
Silence of the Lambs: New Hamas leader's identity remains a secret - No shit, eh? You mean the guy isn't going to walk around with a shirt that says "Please, Assasinate Me Too..." Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat decried the killing, saying that it evidenced a Palestinian need to defend themselves against Israel, calling for an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Them be fighting words...
WMD: I'm not entirely sure why western news agencies like CNN or the BBC didn't pick up this story, but al-Qaida WMD have been found in Jordan reportedly imported from Syria... Could it's absence in our media have something to do with this? Desperate times...
First actions: The newly elected Spanish PM, citing the "will of the people," recalled all Spanish troops from Iraq. Wow, democracy works in Spain. Who knew? Maybe the trend will spread...
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