Is Ignorance Bliss?: american War Dead Pictures show Human Cost of War. Since 1991 the Pentagon has strictly enforced a ban on the media with regards to the return of the remains of american soldiers killed abroad, yet this week some pictures of flagged draped coffins met with the eyes of an american public, causing much reaction. From an FBI investigation into how to further ban these types of images from the american media, to the woman who has been deemed responsible for the photo's losing her job (as well as her husband's job), the pictures themselves have caused quite the debate.
We live in a society that teaches us we must take responsibilty for the consequences of our actions. We should not fool ourselves into any kind of comfortableness when we choose to wage war. Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote "Let him who wishes to know what war is look at this series of illustrations."
Perhaps they should be brought home alive now, rather than dead later.
Diet of Denial: The Atkins Diet. Sui Amaama, and his wife have been on the Atkins "Diet" for the past two weeks. They were recently shocked when they were asked by a Chuck-A-Rama resturant Manager to leave after Amaama tried to consume his 12th slice of roast beef at their buffet. The resturant was concerned there would not be enough for other patrons. I'm sorry, I don't know how gullible these people are, but eating 12 SLICES OF ROAST BEEF IS NOT ANY KIND OF A HEALTHY DIET. Atkins, the Doctor who founded this so-called diet, died in April of last year, and at the time of his death, he was as fat as anyone who ate like that should expect to be. The Wall Street Journal published the controversal Medical Examiner's report, which stated that Dr Atkins weighed 18 and a half stone (260 pounds) when he died. Previously, after sufferring a heart attack in 2002, Dr Atkins had issued a statement that said he was recovering from a cardiac arrest, but it was "in no way related to diet". While studies have shown that meat-heavy, high-protein diets can lead to serious health risks, including osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, and renal diseases, it seems that some people will believe anything if it means they can justify over indulging.
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