Yes indeed, it is time for another installment of "Blog Catch Up." A lot has happened since the summer and I haven't had much of an opportunity to sit down and blog about it. So, without further ado, here goes.
The Columbia Icefields
Due to the fact that I contracted E-Coli this summer we had to cancel our family trip to Ottawa, which I felt very guilty about since it also meant we missed Elaine's wedding. When I felt better we went to Jasper for four days, during which time we explored many lakes, crevices and mountains - it was gorgeous. We also went to see the Columbia Icefields - the glaciers were very impressive - but receeding.

My sister Kate
For the first time in my life I met my sister Kate, who came out to visit from England. The experience of welcoming my sister to Canada, my home and even more so my family was life altering - but it felt completely normal and never uncomfortable.

Duncan meets Brian Mulroney
As part of Duncan's birthday celebrations this year I got tickets for lunch with Brian Mulroney, which included Mulroney's new book, which he signed. All in all the lunch was enjoyable - but that Duncan got to talk to Mr. Mulroney was the high point.

My sister's Ambulance
Life is sometimes full of surprises... Part way through my sister's trip to Canada she woke up (after having back pain for a couple of days and seeing a chiropractor) and couldn't feel her legs below her knees. That started a flurry of activity that involved two hospitals, a CT Scan and an MRI, emergency spinal surgery and the long road to recovery - she's back in England now but still can't walk. I would issue a strong warning here to everyone thinking of going to a Chiropractor - don't. The guy she saw said she had to come back 72 time to get fixed... but in reality what he did was push her disk into her spine - the Surgeon said another hour before surgery and she would have been paralyzed. For Life.

Raven's New Glasses
Raven turned 12, got accepted into the Junior High that she applied to (and she is loving it) and had to get glasses. The real story behind the glasses is how many places we had to go to find a pair she liked - these were eventually found at the university in HUB mall where they had many cool frames.

Duncan turns 29 years old
Duncan turned "almost 30" this year - and like a fine wine he is getting better with age! The way things worked out he had two birthday parties - the traditional one at Hooters and one at home on his actual birthday, so he got spoiled. (Here is the Pic everyone wants to see).

Happy Thanksgiving!
With my sisters surgery and recovery she missed her flight back to England - which meant they got to stay and share a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner with us, which was wonderful. I used our Dad's china and cooked a turkey with all he trimmings. Neither Kate nor Mel have ever had a Thanksgiving meal since, well, no pilgrims in London I guess. I was delighted to have them with us.
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