Saturday, August 13, 2005

15 Things I've Done You Probably Haven't

  • I have scaled a 4 storey building just to sit on it’s roof.
  • I was married to Duncan by Alberta’s Ambassador to the USA in Washington.
  • I once called Gorbechav in Russia (with my telephone).
  • I have been detained by Military Police during a bomb scare.
  • I was ordained as a Minister with the Universal Life Church 6 years ago.
  • I have crept around campus labs with human cadavers, brains and organs in the dead of night.
  • I have assisted in the arrest of a high profile criminal.
  • I have had a loaded weapon (SMG) pointed at my head.
  • I watched my son play hockey on the ice at the Saddledome.
  • I shook Princess Diana's hand, a hero of mine.
  • I had a boyfriend write a song for me that he then sang in front of 30,000 people.
  • I have given birth in front of an audience (eight people).
  • I ran/carried the Queens Baton for the 1994 Commonwealth Games.
  • I have seen the actual original Instrument of Surrender that was signed by the Japanese on the USS Missouri (and stood on the very spot it was signed).
  • I was a member of an Infantry Unit for six years.
This is a meme, of course, so feel free to throw up your own answers on your blogs. But don't forget to leave me your answers here in my comments so we can read them too! Oh, and if you can't think of 15 things shorten it to 10... but at least try first! Oh, and don't take this too seriously, it's for fun!


Duncan said...

* I was married to Allie by Murray Smith (I couldn't resist, even though Allie posted it too).
* I finished the first Knights of the Old Republic in just 30 hours. Not 30 hours of playtime, but 30 hours after I hit start.
* I have drank the tinest amount of Mr. Clean. Don't do it. Trust me.
* I have danced with Natalie Portman.
* I didn't drink alcohol until I turned 18 but quickly made up for lost time.
* I have won a trip to Disneyland.
* I have gone on Pirates of the Carribbean with Ralph Klein (He was only mayor at the time, but Colleen was there too).
* I went all the way to age 24 before getting an IV.
* I have never worked in fast food or sales.
* I did Model United Nations in university, well enough to win a couple of awards.
* I have an unhealthy obsession with Star Wars (to be fair, likely a couple of people reading this are in the same boat).
* I met the dog who played Eddie on Fraiser in an airport, and pet him.
* I have been elected.
* I have been divorced.
* Preston Manning once called me. Not by accident.

Anonymous said...

Loaded SMG to the head? Whoa.

michele said...

Okay, this took me a real long time, but I finally did it. Only one celebrity, unlike yours, but I would imagine most of them are fairly unique for those who might read my blog (and yours).

I've lived in Brasil
I've had a turtle for a pet.
I prepared and filed my own divorce papers without needing a lawyer.
I moved 3000 miles without knowing where I was gonna live when I got there.
I got married 36 hours after the proposal.
The only wedding invitation I gave out was written on a Post-It note.
I shook hands with Charles, Prince of Wales.
I've stood with one foot on each side of the equator.
I ran away from home at the age of 6 because I didn't want to eat my vegetables.
I've conducted research at the British Library.
I've made Kiwi wine.
I got my first cavity when I was 26.
I've played flashlight tag in Paraguay.
I've driven 1000 km roundtrip in one day just to see a band play.
I've cooked a month's worth of food in one day.

Anonymous said...

Being only 15 and all, I can't say I've lived long enough and been through enough stuff to write a meme thingy.

Although I can say I've had a criminal record since I was 10 or so. Go me.

Allie Wojtaszek said...

Yes, being "old" has certainly been a benefit for me when filling out meme's. You'll have plenty of time I am sure to collect some unique experiences ;-)

Beatrice said...
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Beatrice said...

1. I am engaged to Brett Bergie.
2. I moved to Calgary five days after deciding to do so. I had never even visited Alberta before this.
3. My trip to Calgary, mentioned above, involved a 20 minute window for changing planes in Phoenix. I was told the wrong gate number (as far away from my flight to Phoenix as you could get) by a ticket agent in Pennsylvania and so ran through the airport (pretty much back to where I had arrived) to get to the correct gate. At this time, Sabrina decided to try and get out of her cage by popping the lid off. We made it to the plane with two minutes before take off and the lid to Sabrina's cage only half on.
4. I took a £40 cab ride with my mom from Windemere to Grasmere in England's Lake District just to see Dove Cottage, one of poet William Wordsworth's homes.
5. I was able to get to see the interior of Dove Cottage, which was closed when we got there, for free thanks to a nice cleaning lady.
6. I have seen one of the four surviving original copies of the Magna Carta.
7. I had my photo taken with Jean Chrétien when he was running to be Prime Minister for the first time.
8. I got lost in Harlem at 10 o'clock at night with a group of classmates when I was 16.
9. I had my own newspaper column in the local paper when I was in high school.
10. I have visited Stonehenge twice.
11. I was almost murdered.
12. I visited Germany both before and after the wall came down.
13. I found out this year I have two younger brothers (from my father's second marriage).
14. I have had a supernatural encounter.
15. I accidentally found my engagement ring before I was proposed to.

Allie Wojtaszek said...

Duncan: No surprises for me I know, but I do enjoy some of those memories, like when Preston Manning called or your election. I think you might have sold yourself a little short on a couple of things - first, I have heard that you were awesome at Model UN, and second your divorce really was more like an escape from an evil hell dimension then any regular divorce!

Michele: I also filed my own divorce without a lawyer! :-) Of course, I had your mentorship, and I am sure that helped in my lightening fast granting of said divorce. 2> The post it note invitation for your wedding was to me? :-) 3> And lastly, I have witnessed the amazing cook-a-thon. This woman is my hero!

Beatrice: Almost murdered! Good lord - have I heard this story? I also want to hear about the supernatural encounter, over drinks and when Brett is out of earshot... sometime soon?

Brett: I watched you in court and I must admit you looked really sharp. It was a job well done! Also, which TV appearance did someone recognize you from? (Duncan and I have been stopped by people at the mall who recognize us from our blogs). But what I am really impressed with is #15. Thats awesome. Did he pay for it too?

Beatrice said...

I think you've heard the story of how I was almost murdered at least alluded to when we've been figuring out which movie we want to watch in a given evening. (I don't like to watch certain things that remind me of the incident.) I am not recalling at this moment whether or not you've actually heard the entire story. I'll share it with you the next time we hang out.

I'd be happy to share the supernatural encounter story with you (with Brett safely out of earshot and over drinks would be lovely). It's a sad story but now that I have had years to look back on what happened, it has taken on a more bittersweet quality.

Allie Wojtaszek said...

Guess I can add filing a complaint with the FBI now... but I don't know how prevalent that sort of thing might be amongst my american readers. I can say though, I did once think I would get through my entire Canadian life without doing that! Desperate times call for desperate measures...

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