Saturday, March 08, 2003

I had an awesome day today!

This morning started out nicely with Duncan and I watching Serving Sara when we woke up (since we were already beside the TV anyways), and then my wonderful friend Cathy came and took me out for birthday breakfast! Tonight Duncan and I braved -35 degree weather to venture out for a special birthday dinner..... we enjoyed fabulous Morrocan cuisine at this amazing resturant called The Sultan's Tent, where you sit at a brass round table on pillows in a tent like cubicle and eat everything with your hands. We spent three hours there, at a romantic table for two, (with a hot waitress who washed our hands before and after dinner) as we were served a six course meal comprised of tradition yummy morrocan fare and we left very satisfied and happy! Delicious!

I feel again like a princess. Wow, I sure have been spoiled this year for my birthday - Duncan says I deserve it but I think we may both be glad my birthday happens only once a year (wink wink, nudge nudge)! We are both ready to go curl up in bed now (the meal was huge) and watch an episode of the Simpsons while falling asleep. Tomorrow we are going for coffee and then getting ready for a big family perogy feast at Duncan's Grandma's house - she makes homemade perogies and I can't wait!

Duncan, my love, thank you - for the romantic evening and wonderful dinner tonight, for a great weekend, for all my gifts, for making me feel so special AND for being you - you are everything to me. Thank you!

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