Kids splashing as the storm rolls in
We got more than we bargained for when decided to enjoy the hot weather at Gull Lake (
Aspen Beach Provincial Park) this afternoon. By the time we made it to the lake it was obvious a storm was rolling in... but we had enough time to enjoy the water and what was left of the sun.
Then, as the storm moved over the lake, Duncan and I looked up at a strange rolling cloud formation directly above us. "
Are clouds supposed to do that?" he asked. I said something like "
I think that's what is called rotation" and we agreed we should be leaving.
Before we could even get out of the water a great roaring occurred - a swirling wind cloud kicking up dirt, tree parts and other debris just off the beach - I've never heard anything like it. I yelled for the kids to run, but it was unnecessary. We all made it into the car just before the view was obscured by dirt and sand. We drove away, still wet and shoeless, eager to leave the adverse weather far behind.
We stopped briefly at a roadside pull out on the highway to change clothes and grab towels etc, but the wind caught up with us and we set out once again for home. We made it back to Edmonton a few minutes before the storm did.