Gary McPherson, rumoured to be considering his own bid in the upcoming PC Leadership Race, seems to have stirred a bit of controversy over his suggestion in the Edmonton Journal (Monday, July 24, 2006) that people consider participating in the PC Leadership Race and not miss the opportunity to become involved in this particular exercise of our democratic process.
McPherson wrote "The way the Alberta Progressive Conservative Association conducts its leadership competition makes it one of the most democratic and participatory political processes available anywhere on Earth. It opens the door for all Albertans including those as young as 16 years of age to participate in the process, no matter what their specific interests or political leanings. The opportunity presented by the PC leadership race is ... an opportunity for Albertans of all political persuasions to participate in this important and historic leadership vote..."
McPherson’s letter seemed to create a "flurry" of objections, but as I know quite well all three of the people who responded in Letter’s to the Editor I don’t see this as being representative (or even anything resembling a coincidence) of any general opinion. But it is interesting the rhetoric that was employed.
My favourite was comments from our beloved Daveberta in the Edmonton Journal (Thursday, July 27, 2006) where he wrote "I am insulted by Gary McPherson's […] suggestion that the Alberta PC leadership race is just as important as an actual democratic election highlights the arrogance of the current governing party. I, for one, am going to keep my $5 and wait for the next election to vote for my choice."
I must admit I picked on Dave because I like him and I know he can take it. Dave, bless his heart, could not bring himself to be objective on this topic even if the lives of an entire litter of kittens depended on it (which thankfully, it doesn’t). Dave is not just a card carrying Liberal Party Member - he is a liberal activist, a liberal campaign worker, a past liberal constituency president and someone who lays awake at night plotting ways to sabotage the entire PC Party of Alberta so he can bring the Liberals and Kevin Taft to rule in Alberta. That's why we love him.
Today new blogger Ken Chapman (welcome to the Blogosphere Ken!) asks "Where is the Arrogance?"
I would have to agree with Ken - people like Dave are never going to consider this opportunity - but that doesn't mean it isn't there and available to them.
Friday, July 28, 2006
If Open Participation belies Arrogance so be it
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Oberg's back!
Caucus has decided to allow Tory leadership candidate Dr. Lyle Oberg back into the party fold, skeletons and all. Thoughts?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Breaching the Barriers of Adolescence
Today my baby boy, my first born, my little angel - turned 13 years old. Wesley has become a teenager right under my nose (whether I am ready for it or not, whether I am old enough to have a teenager or not, it has happened).
When Wesley was born he was the most determinedly ambitious little person I have ever met. He could not sit still and wait for himself to catch up to the world - he was sure that life was passing him by and he determined to get in on it! As he was my first baby I didn't realize that when he rolled over at a month and a half old that I was in for trouble; I didn't know that most babies slept for longer than four hours at a time; and I couldn't have guessed that when he pulled himself up at the coffee table at the ripe old age of three months old that I was in for 5 months of back breaking pain as he insisted that I walk around bent almost in half, holding his hands, as he tried to make his little body walk like everyone else. Turns out that, for all his determiniation, what was standing in his way was far more natural and beyond his control - the ability to actually gain balance (which he developed at 8.5 months old) was needed to start walking. And walk he did... soon he was running and by 9 months he was climbing and by 12 months he had abandoned his daily nap and, well, no wonder I was a wreck!
Wesley came into this life with his feet running as he hit the ground and he hasn't stopped yet. I know that the teen years will bring their own challenges for us all but I am proud of him and the man he is becoming. Happy 13th Birthday Wesley!
Oh, and for the record, I really am too young to have a teenager!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The belief that, when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Happy Second Wedding Anniversary!
Duncan, my Sweetheart, thank you for coming on this adventure to Washington DC with me, and on all my adventures. It truly is wonderful to have my best friend beside me wherever I go, exploring and learning new things about the world and each other. No place in the world is truly home without you there with me - and when you are holding my hand I know that I am home no matter where we find ourselves.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
A Rainy Day in Washington...
Duncan and I spent many hours walking together today in the rain (with our newly bought umbrella). So far I have really enjoyed the heat and sea level humidity - it suits me... but today it rained almost all day. All I have to say is that a city built out of mostly marble, granite, tiles and bricks is not a safe place in the rain!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy Independance Day!
As I write this I can still hear fireworks going off all through the neighbourhood we are staying in - it's July 4th in Washington DC! While we spent our day today in Arlington, Virgina, we had the very unique opportunity this evening of watching the July 4th fireworks from the roof of the Canadian Embassy in Washington. We were also guests at the Embassy for dinner, a wonderful array of Canadian food like Prawns and Caribou (yummy), served by the Embassy's head chef (who had many reasons to be proud of himself tonight). The fireworks themselves were very cool - I've never seen so many fireworks - Sadly my fireworks pics didn't work out but here are some other pics of the evening:

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Happy Canada Day!
We're celebrating Canada Day in Washington, DC at the Canadian Embassy. The Embassy found itself transformed into a big Calgary Stampede style pancake breakfast, and sometimes it was hard to tell you weren't actually in Calgary! Tones of fun, here are some pictures: