NEW HANGOUT: Second Cup or Jungle Jims (WEM)
BEST GIFTS: This year we were really happy to have Duncan’s Dad and my Mom with us to on Christmas morning for gift opening and breakfast. I think everyone was really happy with what Santa brought them but I must have been really good cause I think I got spoiled! Among my booty this year I got jewelry, a Kodak printer for my camera (and camera accessories), a Harry Potter replica/collectors wand, a HUGE suitcase for our upcoming trip to Las Vegas, The March of the Penguins (movie), books (including Michael Moore’s Will They Ever Trust us Again), a gorgeous Oak and Marble cheese serving display, and chocolates. Also, I am excited about reading the books I got for Duncan (The Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader, Rescuing Canada’s Right, Team of Rivals and the Secret Mulroney Tapes).
FAVORITE SONG: The Revenge of the Sith and Harry Potter Soundtracks (and anything my son plays on his flute).
BEST BOOK READ: I really enjoyed Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and both the Labyrinth and Revenge of the Sith. It might be worth noting that I also started an online Book Club this year!
NEW HOBBY: Scrap booking and Photography
BEST MOVIE: Kingdom of Heaven, Revenge of the Sith (first 12:01am showing and several times thereafter), Dukes of Hazzard, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (twice), Walk the Line, Munich
BEST DVD: Revenge of the Sith (and it’s documentary)!
BEST VIDEO GAME: Sid Meier’s Civilization 4!
BIGGEST CHANGE: Wesley went to Junior High this year and I am going on a doctor mandated Cholesterol Free diet starting Jan 1st. Yikes, that’s tomorrow!
BIGGEST CHALLENGE: This year was pretty good and seemed to fly by so any challenges were minor and easily faced.
BIGGEST BLESSING OF THE YEAR: Duncan and I were asked to stand as members of Brett and Beatrice’s wedding party when they take their vows in 2006. We are excited and honoured to support them in their love and commitment to each other!
MOST STIRRING POLITICAL ISSUE: As I have been contracted to work on a Provincial Leadership Campaign I have been focusing on leadership politics (which are very interesting). I have been avoiding federal politics all together!
LOOKING FORWARD TO: Our trip to Las Vegas, and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year for all!
PREDICTIONS FOR 2006: Liberals will win again.
LOOKING BACK: 2004 and 2003
I wish you all the best for a happy, safe and prosperous 2006!