Where do you want to go? was his response.
I don't know, Alice answered.
Then, said the cat, it doesn't matter."
- Lewis Carroll
Hat tip: Self Made Girl
"Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today." - President-Elect Barack Obama
I think I am still on island time... I guess being sick has thrown my sense of time off balance... But then again, time, itself as a concept, is relevant only to the situation at hand.
When we were travelling to Duncan B.C., on our honeymoon, Duncan and I had to laugh when we saw this sign, depicting truly the laid back nature lovingly refered to as "island time."
George W. Bush: I want to be the peace president.
Good job so far.
Sitting here on my break this afternoon I am reminded of a warm spring afternoon spent in Buddhism class, years ago. Our Professor, Dr. Kawamura, was explaining (with some inner glee, I might add) the concept of 'nothing' to a classroom full of almost entirely western thinking people. Now, for most western brainers, certain Buddhist concepts are hard to relate to, and the idea that nothing exists (or doesnt exist) is no exception. I was enjoying the "discussion" maybe as much as my Prof was, as one of my class mates persisted to argue that "nothing" really did, in fact, exist. "Ofcourse nothing exists," she postulated, "It is right here, everywhere around us. Even nothing is something."
Dr Kawamura smiled sagely until her rant had finished, and then he calmly said, "Well, you had better be careful walking to the door (gesturing widely to the big empty space between her and the door) because you might bump into it."
Hmmm. I wonder if bumping into nothing would hurt. Or not...
Currently on North Vancouver Island, shortly to be on Cortez, and then Nanaimo, Duncan, Vancouver, Calgary and home.
But there will be an update upon our return - we are just having too much fun right now to blog - but we shall return!!
My momentary lapses into anxiety seem to be somewhat eleviated by Deven's arrival with his guitar. Dawn arrives here tomorrow. I am getting very excited now, but sometimes I allow myself to muse about how much there may or may not be still to do before the big event. Well, atleast I am finding motivation to finish whatever still needs to be done (there is no fate but that which we make for ourselves), and I am calm enough to have confidence that everything that is important has already been done. But, alas, three days...
Duncan sent me an "Oryx and Crake" e-card this morning. This is what he wrote: